Sunday, October 28, 2007

Old timey Diners-a slice of Heaven...with Coffee

One of my favorite things to do is to visit old diners. A bit odd I confess, but there is just
something about walking up to the stainless steel facade and sitting at the counter and ordering a ham and cheese omelet and looking down the counter. I'm not sure what it is but I enjoy it. New Jersey has well over 500 diners to choose from. This morning I drove up to Warren county to visit the CROSSROADS Diner in Bridgeview, NJ while my wife and children are in Texas. I was not disappointed. Imagine the joy as I saw that the Fountain Cola was RC Cola-ahh-the simple pleasures. About half way through my omelet an old guy took out his harmonica and played, 'On Top of Ol Smokey', much to my delight. Then is was on to the Royal Diner in Washington Township for a look around and a coffee to go. So, it was a good morning overall and the occasional 'Old Timey' Diner trip helps me move forward.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Family Conference-Theology of the Body

I've been invited to a number of parishes lately to communicate the 'Theology of the Body' message to both parents and their teens. Whether it's in Bridegwater, Flemington or most recently at Immaculate Conception Parish in Annandale, NJ, I find it VERY refreshing to see these parishes taking the initiative and offering something for both parents and teens as they sit together. Offering these conferences communicates that the Theology of the Body information is important and that parents and their teens both hear the same message. It allows opportunities for dialogue and for them to receive the same teaching. If not from the parents in a faith filled environment, their Church, what message about human sexuality gets communicated to young people today? I strongly recommend Dave Hajduk's book, Gods' Plan for You, which I feature below if you scroll down. The Sisters of Jesus Our Hope have really laid a great foundation and I'd be more than happy to pass on their contact information.